About Matthew Burton

Matt is a Software Developer at XJTAG.

Company Part Numbers

If your company makes use of internal part numbers in BOM files, from XJTAG version 3.3.9  onward we’ve added a simple way to have these automatically translated to their more commonly used manufacturer part numbers when matching devices to library files in XJDeveloper. […]

2023-11-14T20:52:01+00:00By |Categories: Features|Tags: |

Introducing Dynamic Chains

‘Dynamic Chains’ is a term we’ve coined to describe a test system that has the ability to drive more that 1 JTAG chain configuration. This may be possible if it has multiple chains driven by different TMS or TCK pins, or a single chain that has multiple JTAG device variations (for example using a Scan Bridge). Before v3.3, XJTAG projects [...]

Improve your printed circuit board test, debug and programming processes using XJTAG’s powerful boundary scan test suite. It can speed up your design and development, as well as providing excellent test coverage in production.
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