Variants Part 5 – Export Options

XJDeveloper provides a couple of options for exporting variants in XJPack files or as stand-alone XJDeveloper projects. When exporting a project with variants to an XJPack file, a Variants tab is displayed in the XJPack Dialog. This tab allows you to select any combination of the root project and variants to include in the file. [...]

XJPack file privilege settings

In XJTAG 3.12, from XJDeveloper, you can now define the level of access that XJRunner/XJInvestigator users have to features of your packed project, using the XJPack file settings. Disabling a feature will override any user privileges the XJRunner user may have (e.g. disabling editing the test list would disable this for all users in XJRunner, [...]

User privileges improved in XJRunner and XJInvestigator

In XJTAG 3.12 we’ve improved the flexibility of user privileges for different user profiles in XJRunner and XJInvestigator. User privileges are defined when adding or editing a user via the User Management dialog. You are now able to enable/disable specific project management and enhanced testing features. […]

Migrating from XJRunnerIntegration.dll to XJIntegration.dll

Much of the content in the XJRunner .NET Integration is also relevant to the XJAnalyser .NET Integration, which is new for XJTAG 3.9. Therefore we have taken the decision to combine the two into a single new assembly, XJIntegration, which means that resources can be shared between the two integrations, and allows them both to [...]

2023-11-14T20:51:56+00:00By |Categories: Support, XJRunner|Tags: , , , |

Input parameters for test functions

Until now, XJRunner tests have been limited to functions which have no input arguments and a single return argument (which returns the result). XJTAG v3.5 relaxes that restriction, allowing input in XJRunner tests, though there is still a requirement to have a single return argument for the result. […]

Improve your printed circuit board test, debug and programming processes using XJTAG’s powerful boundary scan test suite. It can speed up your design and development, as well as providing excellent test coverage in production.
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