Welcome to the XJTAG blog
We believe that sharing our knowledge will help you get the most out of your XJTAG system. This is where our development and support team share their insights and experience. You’ll find posts highlighting particular features of the different software packages that make up the XJTAG development system or aspects of the XJEase language.
Above all this blog is for YOU. We’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions for topics.
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XJTAG version 3.0
A new major version of XJTAG – version 3.0 – is now available from our website for users who are in maintenance. […]
XJTAG 2.7: Improved code editors
We are always listening to customers about where they feel the tools could be improved. For XJTAG 2.7 we took this feedback on board and improved the user interface of the code editors in XJDeveloper. These are on the Test Device Files screen and the Circuit Code Files screen. […]
Don’t use EDIF netlists
One of the many netlist formats that XJTAG supports is EDIF 2, an open data exchange format that is widely supported. EDIF stores both netlist and schematic data, but XJTAG only uses the netlist data. It often seems like the obvious choice of format to export from your CAD tool to use in XJTAG. However, there are a number of [...]
COM based XJRunner Integration deprecated
In XJTAG 2.6 we released a new .NET based XJRunner Integration API, replacing the old COM based API that was previously available. Version 2.6 and 2.7 continue to support the COM API, but do not install it by default. We recommend that any new development be done against the new .NET API. […]
XJRunner Integration .NET API
Version 2.6 introduced a new XJRunner integration API using the .NET framework along with reworked examples and LabVIEW VIs […]
Schematic Viewer
From version 2.7 onwards XJTAG includes an integrated Schematic Viewer in XJDeveloper and XJRunner. If you have your boards’ schematics in PDF format you can take advantage of this new feature. […]