Welcome to the XJTAG blog
We believe that sharing our knowledge will help you get the most out of your XJTAG system. This is where our development and support team share their insights and experience. You’ll find posts highlighting particular features of the different software packages that make up the XJTAG development system or aspects of the XJEase language.
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Design for Test Analysis in XJDeveloper 2.4 – Part 2
This post introduces the new DFT reports which are generated from the DFT analysis data. This is a feature introduced in XJTAG version 2.4. […]
Clearing Altera Cyclone III Devices
In the XJTAG application note “Working with configured Xilinx and Altera devices” the point is made that the way to get the best test coverage is to test with blank devices. Blanking a device has its own challenges – […]
Design for Test Analysis in XJDeveloper 2.4 – Part 1
The DFT Analysis screen in XJTAG version 2.4 has been completely redesigned to allow you to assess the test coverage of your circuit design more easily and in a more efficient way. This post highlights the most important new features. […]
Categorising devices in XJDeveloper – 10 rules of thumb
We asked one of the guys in-house who works with XJDeveloper most of the time to give some tips from his experience of setting up projects, and here is what he came up with: […]
Using CONNECT vs PULL in PDD files
Why use CONNECT not PULL for low-value pull resistors? When a resistor is specified as a pull resistor the XJTAG system will expect two things: […]
XJTAG Boundary Scan Testing with OMAP 35xx devices
Texas Instruments’ OMAP processors are becoming more and more popular. We have seen quite a few come through the office recently. The good news is that the OMAP processors do support boundary scan testing. […]