Welcome to the XJTAG blog
We believe that sharing our knowledge will help you get the most out of your XJTAG system. This is where our development and support team share their insights and experience. You’ll find posts highlighting particular features of the different software packages that make up the XJTAG development system or aspects of the XJEase language.
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Waveform View
One of the exciting new features in version 3.4 of XJTAG is a Waveform View that can display the JTAG chain data from XJAnalyser. The Waveform View can display the waveform traces from pins or buses in XJAnalyser in real time, providing useful debug information for your boards. […]
XJTAG version 3.4
A new major version of XJTAG – version 3.4 – is now available from our website for users who are in maintenance. […]
Categorising Transistors in XJDeveloper
Transistors are one of the things we get asked about quite a bit: “How should I categorise the transistors in my project?” […]
Making the BSDL library more useful
If you use the BSDL library, a new option will now appear (from XJTAG version 3.3.7) when you categorise a JTAG device in XJDeveloper by selecting it from the library - it will offer to copy the BSDL file into another folder (defaulting to your local project directory). It is up to you whether to do this (we think keeping [...]
Company Part Numbers
If your company makes use of internal part numbers in BOM files, from XJTAG version 3.3.9 onward we’ve added a simple way to have these automatically translated to their more commonly used manufacturer part numbers when matching devices to library files in XJDeveloper. […]
DDR4 support in XJTAG
We have been starting to see questions about support for DDR4 SDRAM devices, which are gradually becoming available. We have published a guide to using JTAG to test DDR4 memory on the XJTAG website. It contains a link to slides used at a recent presentation on the subject. Support for DDR4 devices will be coming soon to the XJEase library, and [...]