Welcome to the XJTAG blog
We believe that sharing our knowledge will help you get the most out of your XJTAG system. This is where our development and support team share their insights and experience. You’ll find posts highlighting particular features of the different software packages that make up the XJTAG development system or aspects of the XJEase language.
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Automatic suggestion of JTAG chains
To help get your tests up and running more quickly and easily, version 2.7 of XJDeveloper has a new feature which can make suggestions for the JTAG chains in your project. […]
XJTAG version 2.7
A new major version of XJTAG – version 2.7 – is now available from our website for users who are in maintenance. […]
How can Checkchain pass but Connection test report “broken chain”?
This is a common question during the development of a test system. The problem generally occurs when a board is first run, and stems from a slight misunderstanding of what Checkchain is designed to do. This article therefore attempts to explain the difference between the Checkchain function and all other tests, in order to explain how this situation can happen. [...]
Create your own links to Layout Viewer from XJEase
From version 2.6.2 onwards XJEase supports the printing of device, pin and net links which launch and get highlighted in Layout Viewer from XJRunner and XJDeveloper (provided there is an ODB++ netlist available for the board). […]
Layout Viewer
If your project uses an ODB++ netlist, then you can take advantage of the Layout Viewer in both XJDeveloper and XJRunner. Layout Viewer uses the layout information in the netlist to allow you to visualise the physical location of components, pins and nets on a board. This is especially useful for visualising errors from the connection test to guide you [...]
Device Library
Version 2.6 of XJDeveloper has two exciting new features that make developing your projects easier – a library of definitions for devices and a “suggest categorisation” feature. […]