XJTAG Blog2023-11-14T20:51:54+00:00

Welcome to the XJTAG blog

We believe that sharing our knowledge will help you get the most out of your XJTAG system. This is where our development and support team share their insights and experience. You’ll find posts highlighting particular features of the different software packages that make up the XJTAG development system or aspects of the XJEase language.

Above all this blog is for YOU. We’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions for topics.
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XJPack file privilege settings

In XJTAG 3.12, from XJDeveloper, you can now define the level of access that XJRunner/XJInvestigator users have to features of your packed project, using the XJPack file settings. Disabling a feature will override any user privileges the XJRunner user may have (e.g. disabling editing the test list would disable this for all users in XJRunner, regardless of their user level). [...]

Categorising devices: Ignored, Unfitted, Excluded or Uncategorised?

(This updates an older article due to the addition of the Excluded category in XJTAG 3.12) One of the questions we are commonly asked by new users, and also by users who have not used XJTAG for a while and are coming back to it, is about the differences between device categorisations in XJDeveloper. […]

By |April 18th, 2022|Categories: Connection Test, Other, Support, XJDeveloper|Tags: , , |0 Comments
Improve your printed circuit board test, debug and programming processes using XJTAG’s powerful boundary scan test suite. It can speed up your design and development, as well as providing excellent test coverage in production.
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