Welcome to the XJTAG blog
We believe that sharing our knowledge will help you get the most out of your XJTAG system. This is where our development and support team share their insights and experience. You’ll find posts highlighting particular features of the different software packages that make up the XJTAG development system or aspects of the XJEase language.
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Migrating from XJRunnerIntegration.dll to XJIntegration.dll
Much of the content in the XJRunner .NET Integration is also relevant to the XJAnalyser .NET Integration, which is new for XJTAG 3.9. Therefore we have taken the decision to combine the two into a single new assembly, XJIntegration, which means that resources can be shared between the two integrations, and allows them both to be used in the same [...]
XJAnalyser .NET Integration
In XJTAG 3.9 the previous .NET-based integration has been replaced with a new XJIntegration API. The new API still uses .NET 4.7.1 and contains all the XJRunner Integration functionality of previous releases – but also introduces XJAnalyser Integration, a new .NET API for XJAnalyser. […]
XJTAG version 3.9
A new major version of XJTAG – version 3.9 – is now available from our website for users who are in maintenance. […]
XJEase Waveform Viewer updated in version 3.8.3
Version 3.8.3 of XJTAG comes with some usability updates for the new XJEase Waveform Viewer. Tool tip information, event labels, and a context menu for pin navigation and source tracking has been added. […]
Functional test coverage in XJTAG version 3.8
In version 3.8 of XJTAG the way that functional test coverage is inferred has changed slightly. Here is a summary of what has changed. […]
Test Coverage In XJDeveloper 3.8
With the release of XJDeveloper 3.8 the former DFT Analysis screen has been renamed to Test Coverage and merged with the Functional Test screen. The Functional Tests page is now accessed through the new Functional Tests tab at the top of the screen. The chart view has also moved to a separate tab, but all tabs can be rearranged and [...]