Welcome to the XJTAG blog
We believe that sharing our knowledge will help you get the most out of your XJTAG system. This is where our development and support team share their insights and experience. You’ll find posts highlighting particular features of the different software packages that make up the XJTAG development system or aspects of the XJEase language.
Above all this blog is for YOU. We’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions for topics.
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Wiring a bed of nails test jig for JTAG
When using JTAG with a Device Under Test (DUT) connected to a bed-of-nails test fixture, often little attention is paid to the way the JTAG signals are wired. This article (published in SMT magazine last year) gives a helpful explanation of why it is important to get this right, and gives tips for best practice.
Using XJTAG without netlists
XJTAG is a great system for board designers and manufacturers, but people looking to repair boards often do not have netlists for those boards – something that until now has been essential to start an XJDeveloper project. […]
XJEase Debugger
An interactive XJEase debugger was added in XJTAG 3.2. This can be used to help find problems in your XJEase code. […]
XJTAG version 3.2
A new major version of XJTAG – version 3.2 – is now available from our website for users who are in maintenance. […]
Triggering code when tests complete
In Version 3.0.2 and later an additional Settings tab has been added to the XJRunner Setup screen in XJDeveloper. This tab, labelled “Functions”, […]