Editing configuration variables in XJTAG 3.9

Configuration variables in XJTAG allow settings to be configured for a device.  For example the address of an IIC device may need to be defined. Configuration variables are associated with a test device file, and in previous versions of XJTAG were only available in device files from the XJEase library. From XJTAG 3.9 configuration variables [...]

2023-11-14T20:51:56+00:00By |Categories: Support, XJDeveloper, XJEase|Tags: , , , |

XJEase Waveform Viewer in XJDeveloper

From XJTAG version 3.8, the XJEase debugger in XJDeveloper now comes with a Waveform View providing more information about the XJEase code being executed. The XJEase Waveform View is designed to show you what your tests actually did in a style similar to that of a logic analyser, however instead of the bottom axis representing [...]

Categorisation Suggestion Improvements

From XJTAG 3.6 onwards the suggested device categories on the Categorise Devices Screen have been renamed and expanded, with separate categories for different types of resistor packs. In addition, the “Suggested Resistors – Other” category now displays the reason for any resistor’s inclusion using a separate “Reason” column, to make the inclusion of a device into this category easier to understand. [...]

2023-11-14T20:51:57+00:00By |Categories: Support, XJDeveloper, XJEase|Tags: , , , , , |

Input parameters for test functions

Until now, XJRunner tests have been limited to functions which have no input arguments and a single return argument (which returns the result). XJTAG v3.5 relaxes that restriction, allowing input in XJRunner tests, though there is still a requirement to have a single return argument for the result. […]

Specifying bus access during XJRunner tests

Alongside other improvements to the XJRunner test setup, XJTAG v3.5 has a new interface to specify bus access from the test system using the XJRunner Setup screen. When you edit a test there is now a Bus Access tab on the dialog, which allows full control of which pins are used to read and/or write [...]

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