Setting default pin values in XJEase

Historically we have provided three mechanisms for defining some form of constant or default values for a pin/net in XJDeveloper. These are BSDL compliance pins, bus disable values and constant pins, which allow you to define pins which XJTAG should keep in a constant state during automated testing, such as with Connection Test. However these [...]

2023-11-14T20:51:55+00:00By |Categories: Other, Releases, Support, XJDeveloper|Tags: , |

SWD support now added to XJEase

XJTAG 3.11 introduces support for the ARM Serial Wire Debug (SWD) protocol in XJEase using our XJLink2-based JTAG controllers. Reading and writing with the SWD protocol is made simple using two new XJEase functions SWD_READ and SWD_WRITE. They handle the transfer of data on the bidirectional data connection, keeping the code in XJEase clean and [...]

2023-11-14T20:51:55+00:00By |Categories: Features, Releases, Support, XJEase|Tags: , , |

Dealing with the Covid-19 situation

We wish all of our customers the best at this difficult time, as everyone tries to keep their production and development moving, amidst supply line issues and staff being temporarily unavailable due to illness or the need to isolate themselves. XJTAG is of course affected by the current situation too, but we would like to [...]

2020-03-19T12:40:51+00:00By |Categories: Support|Tags: |

Windows 7 Support

Microsoft is ending mainstream support for Windows 7 on January 14th, 2020. This means that after this date updates to fix security issues will not generally be available and so machines running Windows 7 will be more vulnerable to security risks and viruses. We understand that many users will choose to continue using Windows 7 after [...]

2019-11-25T10:35:25+00:00By |Categories: Support|Tags: , |
Improve your printed circuit board test, debug and programming processes using XJTAG’s powerful boundary scan test suite. It can speed up your design and development, as well as providing excellent test coverage in production.
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