Using IIC to enable power supplies on your board

With the introduction of External Hardware per Subchain in XJDeveloper v3.9 it is possible to write a test that powers up your board using your XJLink2 to directly control the IIC pins before the JTAG chain is operable. Following is an example of how to set up this test in your project: [...]

2023-11-14T20:51:56+00:00By |Categories: Features, Other, Support, XJDeveloper, XJEase|Tags: , , , , |

External Hardware available per-Subchain (including testing without JTAG)

Version 3.9 of XJDeveloper introduces the ability to control which External Hardware machines operate in each Subchain, and integrates this control into the Dynamic Chains feature. This means that any test may now be configured to use just JTAG, just External Hardware, or a combination of both, to drive signals on the circuit under test. [...]

2019-07-12T14:42:56+01:00By |Categories: Features, Other, Support, XJDeveloper|Tags: , , |

Editing configuration variables in XJTAG 3.9

Configuration variables in XJTAG allow settings to be configured for a device.  For example the address of an IIC device may need to be defined. Configuration variables are associated with a test device file, and in previous versions of XJTAG were only available in device files from the XJEase library. From XJTAG 3.9 configuration variables [...]

2023-11-14T20:51:56+00:00By |Categories: Support, XJDeveloper, XJEase|Tags: , , , |

Migrating from XJRunnerIntegration.dll to XJIntegration.dll

Much of the content in the XJRunner .NET Integration is also relevant to the XJAnalyser .NET Integration, which is new for XJTAG 3.9. Therefore we have taken the decision to combine the two into a single new assembly, XJIntegration, which means that resources can be shared between the two integrations, and allows them both to [...]

2023-11-14T20:51:56+00:00By |Categories: Support, XJRunner|Tags: , , , |

Categorisation Suggestion Improvements

From XJTAG 3.6 onwards the suggested device categories on the Categorise Devices Screen have been renamed and expanded, with separate categories for different types of resistor packs. In addition, the “Suggested Resistors – Other” category now displays the reason for any resistor’s inclusion using a separate “Reason” column, to make the inclusion of a device into this category easier to understand. [...]

2023-11-14T20:51:57+00:00By |Categories: Support, XJDeveloper, XJEase|Tags: , , , , , |

Custom cells in BSDL files

The JTAG standard contains definitions for various different types boundary scan cells, each of which have different capabilities, and these allow an IC vendor to accurately describe how the pins on their chips behave. But because not every eventuality can be foreseen the JTAG specification also allows IC vendors to create their own types of [...]

2023-11-14T20:51:58+00:00By |Categories: Support, XJDeveloper|Tags: , , , |
Improve your printed circuit board test, debug and programming processes using XJTAG’s powerful boundary scan test suite. It can speed up your design and development, as well as providing excellent test coverage in production.
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